A downloadable game

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Gherbert had just got his burrow laid out perfectly for his upcoming date with his sweetheart. Unfortunately his jealous crazy critter neighbours broke in and stole his belongings. With only hours to go until his big date Gherbert must venture outside to find his stuff and get back to tidy up before his date arrives at 8pm.


Find Gherberts objects and return them, one by one, to his burrow before his big date. Avoid the critters and falling acorns. Your lives are shown in the top right, with the number of objects you have collected shown next to it. The current time is shown in the top center of the screen, so keep an eye on it: Gherberts date is due at 8PM and he can't be late or it's game over!

Type Load "" and Press Play on Tape to run the game.


Redefineable Keyboard Controls: Q, A, O, P to move, SPACE to Jump (Redefineable) H to toggle pause. ZX Spectrum Joysticks supported.


Ric Lumb (PuttyCAD) - Graphics

Jeff Murray (PsychicParrot) - Programming

PUBLISHED BY PuttyCAD/PsychicParrot

Special Thanks:

Jonathan Cauldwell, Bruce Groves, Davey Sloan and Kees Van Oss for all the guidance and help!

Engine: MPAGD by Jonathan Cauldwell Multi-Platform Arcade Game Designer by Jonathan Cauldwell (itch.io)

In game font: "DaddyCool" created by Damien Guard Daddy Cool ยป DamienG

Rated 4.8 out of 5 stars
(6 total ratings)
AuthorsPuttyCAD, PsychicParrot
Tags2D, 8-Bit, Pixel Art, Retro, ZX Spectrum


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In order to download this game you must purchase it at or above the minimum price of $0.99 USD. You will get access to the following files:

Gherbert Groundhog - Crash Magazine Preview.png 444 kB
GherbertGroundhog.tap 44 kB
Groundhog Day AD & Game MAP Layout 286 kB
Game Full Map (SPOILERS!) 297 kB
Gherbert Groundhog Poster.png 33 MB

Development log


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Is this compatible with any ZX Spectrum model?


It's a 48k game so works on everything capable of that and above. works on emulators too. Hope this helps! ;)

(1 edit)

Absolute STONKER of a game guys!

Well worth! Fast, Fluid, Fun. Great controls and feeds "ONE MORE GO" cravings. Hitch rates a solid 9/10. Just how a Speccy game should be!

Seriously enjoyed playing... now to beat 16/18!

If anyone reads this and trusts this streamer then trust me again, buy the game. Its got more fun in it than all the modern games out there and its only 2 bucks!

Thanks Hitch! Really loved watching you play it on stream! You're a total pro! You even found a few shortcuts! Fanyastic! :)

Whaaaat thanks for the amazing review! You rock.

Hi, Iยดm ZX Spectrum Star. If there is a demo to publish your game it would be my pleasure to share a video in my channel and in my facebook groups in order cheering gamers to buy your game. If you wish email me to : zxspectrumstar@gmail.com. Best wishes !

Sorry, we don't have a demo version as it would give away too many spoilers but there's a trailer you can share if you like.

Here is my little tribute to your game...

Thanks ever so much! We loved the video and could see your frustration (may contain swears!) when you got killed but LOVED that you had that 'just one more go' sensation like the games of old! There were a couple of bits where I was shouting at the screen to tell you how to overcome tricky bits, you may habe missed a shortcut or two. #nospoilers And was great to see you figure out how not to get eaten by the piranha fish! :D

Love it! Thanks, GPC! 

very good

Thank you! ;)


Nice cute game. Like the rombeep intro tune. I agree it would benefit from ingame AY music

Thank you! ;)

Congrats with the release and getting fond responses :)
From the video it indeed looks cute and highly playable, I'm considering buying it. My only thought is that this game soo deserves in-game AY music. I feel that that would really complete it

Thank you! We appreciate your comments. ๐Ÿ˜‰๐Ÿ‘

A demo version would be great. Thanks!

(1 edit)

Sorry, we don't have a demo version but there's a new trailer arriving today and you can watch the gameplay video from Sabreman below. Hope this helps!


You're welcome! ;)

Very nice game!

THANK YOU! Will share this video with others! Really appreciate you taking the time to do this! :)

(1 edit)

Your game is beautiful. The graphics are amazing, even the colour clash doesn't mess things up, and having the player only able to collect one item at a time is a wonderful idea as it allows you to explore many screens and collecting each item is a little puzzle in itself. I also like how each item helps to build up the scene in the den. I love the little messages, the location names, the time limit, actually having a score. I tried the game out and managed to collect 8 items.  I will give it a proper go when I get more spare time. I'm not joking when I say this game is better than any mole or willy game I've played. It's one of the best platform games I've played on the Spectrum. I reckon it'll score 90%+ in Crash, It definitely should. Congratz on a fantastic job ๐Ÿ˜Š๐Ÿ‘

(1 edit) (+1)

Thank you! Really appreciate you taking the time to play and leave such a wonderful review! Have shared your posts on twitter too! ;)

I am SO looking forward to this one. ๐Ÿ˜ƒ๐Ÿ‘

cheers matey! ;